The Orc’s most notably will be heavily penalized for peace, instead encouraged to maintain a constant series of wars for enhanced bonuses. Similar Total War features such as diplomacy and trade will also be included but with drastic differences for each faction. Hero units will be used similarly to agents in other Total War titles, but once added to an army will appear on the battlefield as a morale boosting powerhouse. It is also claimed that this will come at a limited performance hit, although after the disastrous launch of Total War: Rome 2 this may fall under some justified skepticism. Rumors of the change has gained movement after CA was mentioned to have said that new technology has been implemented that increases unit numbers to much higher than was seen in previous entries.
It is believed that CA may be upgrading their TW3 engine from 32 bit to 64 bit, which would allow for a greater number of animations and unit detail.

One CA developer Ian Roxburgh was quoted referencing the increased scale of animation for units “The sheer amount of animations is huge-even down to the amount of different skeletons, 30 types as opposed to 5 or 6 in previous total war games.” Karl Franz upon gaining victory will be able to wield the hammer of Sigmar, likely increasing his power on the field. Interestingly, the army that wins the battle will gain access to unique upgrades. War machines, shamans and wizards all are in attendance, using devastating magic to demolish entire units. The Orc army similarly has an infamous leader, one Grimgor Ironhide. In it the outnumbered Empire lead by leader Karl Franz battles the Orc armies in an apocalyptic setting. A short demo was presented, demonstrating the overhauled animations and scale that the game is hoping to achieve. Recently the developers invited a selection of press to see the progress the project has made, unveiling the battle of BlackFire Pass. This is not Warhammer Fantasy’s first rodeo in strategy games, however Warhammer Mark of Chaos previously attempted to mimic the Total War formula, but to mixed success. It was only a matter of time until Creative Assembly, one of Sega’s core developers prepared to take on the precarious role of relaunching big-budget Warhammer title.

THQ auctioned off its licences to numerous companies, with Sega emerging as the dominant buyer. However, fantasy Warhammer was left sitting quietly in the corner, waiting for its day.

The excellent Dawn of War series proved that in the right hands, the 40k setting could be used to create something special. The ominous tag ‘Our Rules Have Changed’ at the end of the video seems to apply more to CA than the setting itself.Īfter the sad fall of THQ (the primary holder of the Warhammer license), Games Workshop’s presence in video games has been under threat. Magic and airborne creatures feature heavily in the trailer, and CA has yet to comment on how these units will be implemented as neither have been attempted in Total War before. It is not clear if this is when the game itself will be set despite the dire tone of the trailer, but Warhammer is always dire suitably so in a timeline where humanity invented antidepressants before fire. The tabletop time-line is set around The End Times, wherein numerous factions are readying for a final battle for domination. Skaven, Goblins, and most notably Elves were missing from the trailer, but considering the numerous factions CA has included in previous Total War titles, it is unlikely they will be ignored. It shows a small glimpse into the factions present including Orks, Chaos, the undead (Sylvania), Dwarfs and the kingdoms of man.

And yet, the impossible has happened Creative Assembly is bringing Warhammer Fantasy to Total War.Īfter a long series of mysterious photos and an art book leak, we now have a cinematic trailer to provide some clarity to the situation. It seemed like a dream that could never happen, a wish that would never come true.