Razor limped back to the ring and referee Tim White rang the bell to restart the match. Jarrett called Razor a coward for walking away and said if you don’t finish this match then you are a big coward. Jarrett said he came here to take the Intercontinental Title from Razor Ramon’s waist. You can only win the title by pinfall or submission. This part of the match went 11:43.īUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! Jarrett complained about the win because it meant he didn’t win the title.

The referee Tim White counted Razor, but Razor was out of it and was counted out. That led to Roadie hit him with a shoulder tackle to the left leg to knock down Razor in the aisle. Jarrett tossed Razor over the top to the floor, which led to Razor selling a left knee injury. Razor to the middle ropes leading to a jumping bulldog attack for a two count. Ramon tripped up Jarrett by the ring post and pulled back on the legs leading to Jarrett getting crotched against the ring post.
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After a brief sleeper hold by Jarrett, Razor broke free and Jarrett hit a swinging neckbreaker with his feet on the ropes for a two count. Each guy got two counts after that as Jarrett hit another dropkick for two. Razor came back with a backslide pin for two, which led to a Jarrett clothesline for two. Razor ducked a head kick, but then missed an elbow drop and Jarrett took control with a chinlock. Jarrett came back with three dropkicks in a row followed by a jumping splash to the back and a clothesline for two. Razor got some momentum going again with a punch followed by a clothesline over the top to the floor. Jarrett tripped up Razor followed by some gentle head slapping for some taunting. Jarrett with another takedown leading to a strut celebration. Jarrett with an armdrag takedown as Vince said that Jarrett wanted to use the WWF as a stepping stone for his music career. Razor with a fallaway slam followed by a Chokeslam-like move led to Jarrett bailing to the floor. Jarrett had not held the IC Title prior to this match. This was about five months into Razor’s second reign as the IC Champion. Pre-match notes: Razor was the babyface champion while Jarrett was the heel challenger. Intercontinental Championship: Razor Ramon vs. Razor Ramon got a nice ovation as the babyface Intercontinental Champion. That’s the same Roadie that would have more success in his career as the Road Dogg a few years after this.

Jeff Jarrett, who was doing the J-E-Double-F J-A-Double R-E-Double T gimmick, made his entrance along with the Roadie. Lawler was a tremendous heel announcer in this era while Vince was an excitable play-by-play guy. The Spanish announce team was beside them. The announce team of Vince McMahon and Jerry “The King” Lawler welcomed us to the show. She smiled at them and walked into her dressing room. Pamela Anderson was shown leaving the limo and a bunch of wrestlers were there to greet her.

My additional thoughts are in blue font as well because there’s always more to say.Ī limo was shown pulling up to the arena. I’m not sure why they did that although maybe Vince realized his roster sucked so much that he didn’t want all these bad wrestlers in there for nearly an hour? I’ll go with that reason.Īlso, if you think the PPV poster above is bad, WWE agrees because they included in the 10 Worst Wrestling Posters list they compiled right here. This would be a historic Rumble due to the fact that there would only be 60 seconds between entries. He wrestled Bret Hart in the undercard of this show with both guys as babyface wrestlers. The WWF Champion was Kevin Nash aka Diesel, who a year earlier was the most dominant guy in the Rumble match.